1. Blue Green

Everything about the color Blue Green

The meaning of the color Blue Green and color combinations to inspire your next design.

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Blue green is a color that lies between blue and green in the color wheel. Its hex code is #0D98BA. Blue green is one of Crayola’s oldest crayon colors and has been part of many sets of Crayola crayons since the 1930s.


Because the hue is commonly found in nature from fish, like the blue-green damselfish, to lakes, it is best used with colors you see outdoors. For example, combine it with whites and light blues for a glacier inspired palette, or pair it with oranges and yellows for a color scheme inspired by the blue-green damselfish and its habitat.

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to blue green.

Information about Blue Green / #0d98ba

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #0d98ba is made of 5.1% red, 59.6% green and 72.9% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #0d98ba is made of 93% cyan, 18% magenta, 0% yellow and 27% black. Blue Green has a hue angle of 191.8 degrees, a saturation of 86.9% and a lightness of 39%.

Color conversion

The hexadecimal color #0d98ba has RGB values of R: 5.1, G: 59.6, B: 72.9 and CMYK values of C: 0.93, M: 0.18, Y: 0, K:0.27.




RGB Decimal

13, 152, 186


RGB Percentage

5.1, 59.6, 72.9

rgb(5.1%, 59.6%, 72.9%)


93, 18, 0, 27


191.8°, 86.9, 39

hsl(191.8°, 86.9%, 39%)

HSV (or HSB)

191.8°, 93, 72.9

Web Safe




58.117, -20.825, -26.935


20.253, 26.085, 50.412


0.209, 0.27, 26.085


58.117, 34.047, 232.29


58.117, -40.709, -38.664


51.073, -16.117, -26.534


00001101, 10011000, 10111010

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