1. Chili Pepper

Everything about the color Chili Pepper

The meaning of the color Chili Pepper and color combinations to inspire your next design.

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Pantone’s 2007 Color of the Year, chili pepper, isn’t as red and bright as we often think—in it you can spot bits of brown. Like other members of the red family, chili-pepper is dramatic and exciting. It is associated with exotic tastes and cultural diversity. As the color of hot peppers that set tongues on fire, chili-pepper also speaks of danger and chance. The hex code for chili-pepper is #E32227.


Chili pepper can be used to stimulate the senses and, when paired with other warm color like yellow and red, can create a warm and invigorating palette. Its complement is, green, can be paired with chili-pepper for high contrast and excitement.

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to chili pepper.

Information about Chili Pepper / #E32227

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #E32227 is made of 89% red, 13.3% green and 15.3% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #E32227 is made of 0% cyan, 85% magenta, 83% yellow and 11% black. Chili Pepper has a hue angle of 358.4 degrees, a saturation of 77.5% and a lightness of 51.2%.

Color conversion

The hexadecimal color #E32227 has RGB values of R: 89, G: 13.3, B: 15.3 and CMYK values of C: 0, M: 0.85, Y: 0.83, K:0.11.




RGB Decimal

227, 34, 39


RGB Percentage

89, 13.3, 15.3

rgb(89%, 13.3%, 15.3%)


0, 85, 83, 11


358.4°, 77.5, 51.2

hsl(358.4°, 77.5%, 51.2%)

HSV (or HSB)

358.4°, 85, 89

Web Safe




49.04, 69.724, 47.924


32.621, 17.627, 3.604


0.606, 0.327, 17.627


49.04, 84.606, 34.502


49.04, 144.103, 29.97


41.984, 68.532, 22.861


11100011, 00100010, 00100111

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