1. Crimson

Everything about the color Crimson

The meaning of the color Crimson and color combinations to inspire your next design.

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The word crimson was originally used to describe the color of Kermes dye, a substance derived from the tiny insect Kermes vermilio. Its hex code is #DC143C.


It is said to be the color of love and affection, and of course, it is also the color of Harvard and its infamous daily student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson.

If you’re looking to develop a color palette using crimson, consider looking to Victorian colors like deep bronze, maroons, or greens for an elegant and vintage look. For a more modern palette, combine crimson with pinks or with neutrals like sand dollar and beige.

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to crimson.

Information about Crimson / #DC143C

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #DC143C is made of 86.3% red, 7.8% green and 23.5% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #DC143C is made of 0% cyan, 91% magenta, 73% yellow and 14% black. Crimson has a hue angle of 348 degrees, a saturation of 83.3% and a lightness of 47.1%.

Color conversion

The hexadecimal color #DC143C has RGB values of R: 86.3, G: 7.8, B: 23.5 and CMYK values of C: 0, M: 0.91, Y: 0.73, K:0.14.




RGB Decimal

220, 20, 60


RGB Percentage

86.3, 7.8, 23.5

rgb(86.3%, 7.8%, 23.5%)


0, 91, 73, 14


348°, 83.3, 47.1

hsl(348°, 83.3%, 47.1%)

HSV (or HSB)

348°, 90.9, 86.3

Web Safe




47.036, 70.921, 33.6


30.585, 16.047, 5.761


0.584, 0.306, 16.047


47.036, 78.478, 25.35


47.036, 138.253, 19.651


40.059, 69.405, 18


11011100, 00010100, 00111100

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