1. Green

Everything about the color Green

The meaning of the color Green and color combinations to inspire your next design.

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Green is the result of mixing blue and yellow. The many variations of green depend on the proportions of the two primary colors. For example, more yellow and a tinge of blue could make lime green. The green hex code is #00FF00.


Green has two paradoxical meanings—one being nature and the environment and the other being money. When it comes to nature, green represents renewal and growth. It is also associated with wealth, prestige, and greed.

Pure green (equal blue and yellow) teams well with blues, other greens, yellows, and neutrals.

Looking for a different hue? The following colors are related to green.

Information about Green / #00FF00

In a RGB color space (made from three colored lights for red, green, and blue), hex #00FF00 is made of 0% red, 100% green and 0% blue. In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #00FF00 is made of 100% cyan, 0% magenta, 100% yellow and 0% black. Green has a hue angle of 120 degrees, a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 50%.

Color conversion

The hexadecimal color #00FF00 has RGB values of R: 0, G: 100, B: 0 and CMYK values of C: 1, M: 0, Y: 1, K:0.




RGB Decimal

0, 255, 0


RGB Percentage

0, 100, 0

rgb(0%, 100%, 0%)


100, 0, 100, 0


120°, 100, 50

hsl(120°, 100%, 50%)

HSV (or HSB)

120°, 100, 100

Web Safe




87.735, -86.183, 83.179


35.758, 71.515, 11.919


0.3, 0.6, 71.515


87.735, 119.776, 136.016


87.735, -83.078, 107.399


84.567, -69.08, 48.015


00000000, 11111111, 00000000

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