Branding is personal
– Discover why branding is personal
– Learn how to build valuable relationships
– Design and collaborate on a brainstorm
Hi everyone my name is Dr. Talaya Waller and I’m a personal branding consultant. Today with Canva design school we’re gonna learn quick tips for how to manage a personal brand. When people come to me and say Dr. Waller, can you help me build my personal brand? What I think that they’re asking me to do is make other people view them as valuable. So stay tuned because next we’re gonna talk about everything that there is to know to build a personal brand that can help you achieve your goal. Oftentimes it takes a strong personal brand to even garner the influence necessary to build a business, run a country, raise awareness or make a change, and that’s because people like you and me have always been the core of a brand.
Before we had corporate brands, we were selling goods and services to each other. Meaning if I’m selling you apples and my apples are trash, what are you gonna say? Talaya’s apples are trash. It’s not the apple’s fault it’s my fault, so no matter if you are a product, a company, a country, or person, the purpose of a brand is to build valuable relationships by providing experiences that people enjoy.
So first, let’s explore those enjoyable experiences you want people to have with your personal brand!
There are lots of useful brainstorm templates in Canva to help you get started. Let’s choose this one.
It helps to include other perspectives. Why not invite a few friends or mentors to collaborate in your brainstorm? You can use the share button to invite other people to your brainstorming session, like this.
Simultaneous collaboration makes it easy for you to work with others on a document at the same time.
You can use words, images and colors too! Remember you can also add your own photos from the uploads panel on the left.
Group the results into clear themes or categories. Try to
refine into 3 values that best describe you brand
Lastly, keep your moodboard somewhere for inspiration later on.
Dr. Talaya Waller
Dr. Waller is an American entrepreneur, International MBA professor, and academic author of Personal Brand Management: Marketing Human Value. She has worked with personal brands at Google, Amazon, NBA, and U.S. Congress. She believes that personal brand equity drives the economy.