Inspiring teachers and

engaging students

Create and personalise lesson plans, infographics, posters, video, and more. 100% free for teachers and students at eligible schools.

Visual communication and collaboration is an important tool for learning

Engagement Icon
Increase engagement with original content
Choose from a library of resources, from lesson plans to reports and posters. Spark engagement with gifs, videos, animations, and music.
Feedback Icon
Deliver impactful feedback in one place
Reach and motivate students wherever they are with real-time feedback. Share work as assignments directly through Canva or via your LMS.
Skills Icon
Help students build critical skills
Students can use Canva to demonstrate learning through different formats — group projects, videos, posters, and more.

How Canva works

Access thousands of high-quality, educational templates to personalise for your students. Discover lesson plans, presentations, infographics, posters, video, and more.

Invite teachers and students to share, review, and manage their work together in Canva.

Customise with our easy drag and drop editor. Spark engagement with images, gifs, videos, animations, and music.

It's not just about teacher creation. Students can demonstrate learning in Canva through different formats - from creating group projects, videos, posters, and more.

  • Templates available to teachers
  • example of the premium graphics available
  • student using Canva

Get started with Canva for Education — 100% free

Sign up with your education email address or upload proof of your teaching certification and employment. We'll upgrade you to Canva for Education within a few days.

Make every class memorable

Spend less time planning and more time teaching. Canva for Education makes it easier to plan lessons quickly, collaborate in class, and empower your students. Best of all? It’s 100% free for verified K-12 teachers and their students.

Canva your Campus

Everyone on campus can create and communicate in any format, from docs, to presentations, to video, to websites and whiteboards. Stay on-brand across departments and teams with brand controls. Transform reports, presentations, and documents with branded templates.

Discover more
List of some integrations Canva works with

Canva for Education connects to all your classroom tools

Canva for Education integrates with core classroom tools, including Schoology, D2L, Moodle, Blackboard, Google Classroom, Canvas, and Microsoft Teams. Easily connect work back to your LMS. Create engaging assignments with Canva, and share and review student assignments from your LMS.
resources icon
Resources for teachersWatch video tutorials to learn how to create, communicate and engage your students using Canva for Education.
templates icon
Ready- to- use templatesStart inspired - choose from a library of templates for your next lesson, presentation or class assignment.
case studies icon
Case StudiesDiscover how schools and district administrators are using Canva for Education to deliver creative and collaborative learning.
community icon
Join our communityCanva Teachers Community is an exclusive group for school teachers that aims to empower teachers by using Canva as a tool to educate.
creators icon
Creators programCreate, publish and earn from your education templates in Canva. Education Creators is a new program that enables educators to share their designs with teaching communities worldwide.
  • George Lee Portrait
  • Michelle Golightly Portrait
  • Dana Remington Portrait
  • Danica Botts Portrait

“With Canva for Education, the amazing thing – not just for the students but for me – is that I get to see their creative minds in progress.

George Lee

CAST Academy Coordinator, Balboa High School

Canva on Tablets

Ready to get started with Canva for Education?

Super charge your educational content this year using Canva!

Frequently asked questions

Yes - it's 100% free, with no paywalls or nasty surprises.

It’s our commitment that Canva for Education will remain 100% free for K-12 (primary and secondary) educators, their students, as well as qualified school districts and institutions.

All Canva Teams features are included in Canva for Education, as well as dedicated features for educators, such as LMS integrations, the ability to share work and assignments with students, thousands of high quality educational templates, and more.

School districts and institutions can also enjoy enterprise-grade security features, deployment via SSO, onboarding support, and professional development training - all for free.

Canva for Education is available for K-12 (primary and secondary) educators, their students, and qualified school districts and institutions. Check out our full eligibility guidelines.(opens in a new tab or window)

No problem. If you already have a Canva account, log in to your account, go to our sign up page(opens in a new tab or window), and follow the verification process to upgrade your account to Canva for Education. All of your existing designs will transfer over.

Our dedicated education and district offerings are FERPA and COPPA compliant, and we are also a signatory of the National Data Privacy Agreement. We are committed to GDPR compliance, and offer safe-for-school content.

Currently, Canva for Education is available for K-12 (primary and secondary) students. If you're a primary or secondary student, your teacher needs to invite you to join Canva for Education. They can do this from their Canva for Education account, here’s how(opens in a new tab or window).

We’re committed to doing everything we can to ensure that students can harness the full potential of Canva while remaining completely safe in the content they are able to access within Canva’s libraries.

Canva uses a multi-layered set of safeguards to ensure that the content within our Canva for Education platform is safe for school and safe for students. As well as a set of blocked search terms, we also leverage a best-in-class machine learning platform, which scans our existing collection of millions of photos and graphics to identify, flag, and remove access to “not safe for school” content for Canva for Education users. Our collections are reviewed by a human content moderator to check compliance with our “not safe for school” definitions.

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