1. Event Code of Conduct

Event Code of Conduct

Event Code of Conduct


Canva’s “Be a Good Human” value means that we hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards of integrity and respectful behaviour. We all have a responsibility to lead by example and promote an environment where everyone feels safe and is treated with respect.

All event participants including all Canva employees and contractors, event sponsors, external vendors, volunteers, clients, speakers, attendees, and other guests, [”Event Participants”] are expected to uphold the principles of this Code of Conduct at all event venues, sessions, and social events hosted by Canva either in person or online.

Bullying, Violence, and Harassment

Event Participants are expected to treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect. Event Participants are entitled to an experience free from bullying, violence, and harassment, in any form, be it physical, emotional, verbal, or sexual.

This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Inappropriate language or gestures
  • Threatening or abusive behaviour (verbal or physical)
  • Display of offensive or sexually suggestive objects or images
  • Explicit demands for sexual behaviour
  • Making jokes or derogatory statements that are ethnic, racial, sexual, religious, political, age-related, or disability-related in nature.

We are committed to keeping Canva events a safe place for all Event Participants. If you think that someone has exhibited any actions of violence or harassment, you are expected to immediately bring this issue to the attention of event support staff. Any acts of bullying, violence, harassment (including sexual harassment) or intimidation will not be tolerated, and may result in being removed from the event, and/or referred to local law enforcement.

Respectful Communication

At Canva, we value professionalism among our staff, which includes demonstrating honesty, respect, integrity, compassion, humility, and accountability, and we expect the same from our community at our in person and online events. We promote open discussion between Event Participants, as well as listening to and sharing perspectives different to our own.

Drugs and Alcohol

Canva encourages responsible alcohol consumption at all Canva events. At no time should Event Participants behave in a manner which is inappropriate. If any Event Participant is found to be overly intoxicated and posing a safety risk, Canva and event organisers reserve the right to remove them from the event. Any illicit substances are strictly prohibited at Canva events.

Diversity and Inclusion

We celebrate the uniqueness that every person brings, and recognise that our success is firmly grounded in the richness of diverse thinking and ideas. We aim to foster event environments that reflect and celebrate the diversity and unique perspectives that exist in the society we live in.

Fostering Community Involvement

When we bring people together, we create a culture of inclusion and openness. We hope that by building awareness of the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, and providing a safe place to speak about it, we encourage healthy conversations that create positive, lasting change. We are proud to work together with our community partners that inspire and provide opportunities to those that often need it most.

Health and Safety

Canva is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all Event Participants. By attending this event you agree to comply with all applicable local health and safety legal requirements.

If you're feeling unwell, please rest up and stay at home so we can continue to keep our fellow event attendees and community safe. In the event of an emergency or security event, Event Participants agree to follow instructions provided by Canva or event personnel.

Other Standards of Conduct

The standards expected of all Event Participants include:

  • To act with personal integrity, honesty and professionalism;
  • To not engage in conduct that in the opinion of Canva causes damage or potential damage to any property or the reputation of Canva or other Event Participants;
  • At all times, behave in a way that upholds Canva’s core values, integrity and good reputation.


Please immediately report any abusive content or behaviour that violates this Code to event support staff. If you are on site, event staff can help you contact event security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment or other inappropriate behaviour to feel safe for the duration of the event.

Please contact a member of event staff by finding a staff member via their badge, visiting the registration area or information desk, or get in touch at canva.com/help.

For third party Event Participants:

Canva's Global Whistleblower Policy(opens in a new tab or window) provides information on how individuals may raise concerns about suspected reportable conduct at Canva, and our commitment to ensuring that any person who makes a disclosure is treated fairly and is protected. Canva's external Speak Up Inbox(opens in a new tab or window) provides a secure channel for certain individuals to confidentially raise these concerns (including anonymously, if they prefer) directly to our Workplace Integrity team.

In some locations, other legal requirements apply, which form part of this Code. To the extent of any inconsistencies between this Code and any local laws which may apply, local laws will take precedence.