Resume sizes

Take your resume to the top of the pile with a well-designed, perfectly sized document through Canva’s sizes guide and templates collection.

  1. Resume
United States8.5 × 11 cm
Europe21 × 29.7 cm

If you see the value of dressing up for an interview, it’s also good to acknowledge the importance of a well-presented resume. Submitting one with the right look and size can increase your chances of getting shortlisted and scoring that interview.

A resume provides a balance between your personal preference so it reveals a bit of character, and the application of standard formats to show a sense of professionalism.

What to consider when writing a resume


Use a font that is easy to read. Avoid using several fonts to make it easy on the eyes, and therefore more visually attractive. Instead of using a different font, try applying bold and italic typefaces.


Tailor fitting your resume to match your industry may help add to your points in the job application process. Consider the position, company and industry you are applying to when choosing a design.


With a pile of resumes to be reviewed by job recruiters, you want yours to stand out. Use margins, bullets, headings, and other formatting options to enhance the overall look of the page.

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