1. Create Album Covers
Black and White Minimal Typecentric General Hip-Hop Album Cover

Free Album Cover Maker

Easy to create and customize

Thousands of free templates and layouts

Millions of photos, icons and illustrations

Easily download or share

Use Canva's free album cover maker to create incredible album covers for all of your albums, podcasts and music tracks in as little as a few minutes!

How to make an album cover - Canva

Access professional album cover designs for free

Are you an artist or DJ uploading original sounds to SoundCloud, a new band releasing your first album, or a seasoned public speaker hoping to take your podcast to new heights? If so, you’ll be no stranger to the task of self-promotion.

Canva’s album cover maker helps you design awesome album covers to promote your music or audio, even without any graphic design experience. Our library of album cover layouts has been created by professional designers, making it as simple for you as a few clicks to create high-quality designs. Customize the fonts, images, colors, and filters to create an album cover that reflects your identity as an artist.

How to make an album cover

Start of list: How to make an album cover

Open Canva

Open up Canva and search for “Album Covers” to get started.

Find some inspiration

Canva’s got hundreds of album cover templates with different themes. Narrow down your search by adding keywords that best fit what you’re looking for. Click on the template to start designing.

Add images and text

Canva’s got millions elements to help spruce up your album cover. Browse through the library then drag and drop them onto your design and add some text on top.

Personalize your design

Customize your album cover by uploading your own photos, branding elements, changing the color scheme or even adding background music if you plan to share it digitally.

Publish, print or share

Once you’re happy with your design, you can save it as a JPEG or PNG, share it directly on Facebook or Instagram or make high resolution prints.

End of list: How to make an album cover
Create an album cover

Open up Canva and search for “Album Covers” to get started.

Canva’s got hundreds of album cover templates with different themes. Narrow down your search by adding keywords that best fit what you’re looking for. Click on the template to start designing.

Canva’s got millions elements to help spruce up your album cover. Browse through the library then drag and drop them onto your design and add some text on top.

Customize your album cover by uploading your own photos, branding elements, changing the color scheme or even adding background music if you plan to share it digitally.

Once you’re happy with your design, you can save it as a JPEG or PNG, share it directly on Facebook or Instagram or make high resolution prints.

Create an album cover

Personalize your music cover with your own images

Played an awesome gig recently? Know a talented photographer? If you use your own images on your album cover, it will be 100% free. You can also choose from Canva’s library of over 1 million premium images, graphics and illustrations – all offered at a very competitive price. Once you publish your design, there are no additional charges or fees.

Build a following on music communities

If you’re an artist who uploads a large amount of tracks to hosting platforms like SoundCloud, you’ll need an image for each original piece of music. Canva’s album cover library allows you to create original designs in as little as 5 minutes, allowing you to build your following on music communities and free up more time to make music!

Promote new music

Update your social media fans about new albums or tracks as your design in Canva! Simply click the ‘Share’ button to post your design straight to your social media account.


To create album art that turns heads, use font, colors and imagery that reflect your music and brand identity. Choose a font that is readable and doesn’t vanish into a busy background.

Aim for minimalism but keep it unique. Be sure your art will look good as a thumbnail image.

On the back of an album cover, you may want to include:

  • your track list
  • production credits
  • label name
  • producer’s name
  • catalog number
  • barcode
  • contact information
  • website URL
  • email address
  • social media information

The general style of the back cover should match the front cover style.

Your album cover is the main advertisement for your music. Make sure you include your unique logo design along with the artist’s name, the album title, eye-catching but simple imagery and track listing on the back. On the spine you can add the label name and catalog number as well.

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@canva is simply outstanding as a tool to create designs. Using Canva is such a seamless experience that once you sit down to design, you don't feel like getting up. It's addictive and useful. Keep going Canva.


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