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Millions of photos, icons and illustrations
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Use Canva's drag and drop design tools to easily create your own comic strips.
From extraordinary superheroes saving the day to everyday adventures with a big orange cat, comic strips can capture the imagination like no other medium. It’s a popular art form that not only entertains but also educates because of how it can show or explain complex stories and concepts using images and dialogue.
Use Canva to weave images, text, and emotion together to bring your coolest ideas to life. While it might sound daunting, it really doesn’t need to be. Canva’s comic strips maker is so simple to use that you don’t even need to be a professional cartoonist, artist or designer to create something magical. Whether you’re creating a comic strip for a kid in your life, your parents, or because you think you could be the next big graphic novelist, Canva can help you to create a work of art to be proud of.
Launch Canva and search for "Comic Strip" to start making your own comic strip.
Start with a blank page or choose from one of Canva’s ready-made templates. Browse comic strip templates for every theme, style and layout. Once you find the perfect template, just click on it to start designing.
Designing your comic strip is easy because each template comes with complete page, a blank page, speech bubbles and two pages of illustration sets. Easily drag and drop elements to your design.
Get creative with your own color scheme, layout, font style and combination of stickers, icons and illustrations. Rearrange speech bubbles and frames, or upload your own images and art.
Once you’re happy with your comic strip design, you can post it on Facebook or Instagram. Or, download and make high-quality prints at home. You can design with friends using the collaboration tool, too.
Launch Canva and search for "Comic Strip" to start making your own comic strip.
Start with a blank page or choose from one of Canva’s ready-made templates. Browse comic strip templates for every theme, style and layout. Once you find the perfect template, just click on it to start designing.
Designing your comic strip is easy because each template comes with complete page, a blank page, speech bubbles and two pages of illustration sets. Easily drag and drop elements to your design.
Get creative with your own color scheme, layout, font style and combination of stickers, icons and illustrations. Rearrange speech bubbles and frames, or upload your own images and art.
Once you’re happy with your comic strip design, you can post it on Facebook or Instagram. Or, download and make high-quality prints at home. You can design with friends using the collaboration tool, too.
When you’re generating a story(opens in a new tab or window) for your comic strips, chances are you already have a character or two in mind. Have a pen or pencil handy? Great! You can sketch(opens in a new tab or window) your own creatures, characters and elements to showcase your unique point of view. When you’re done you can simply upload your sketches as images to use in your comic strips.
Sketch your characters with a variety of moods and expressions to enhance their personalities, or sketch something quirky that doesn’t yet exist to put an interesting spin on your story. Think flying bicycles, or plants that can talk – the more outrageous the better! With Canva’s comic strip maker, we don’t limit your ability to express yourself and we encourage you to unleash your potential.
To add a unique visual twist, you can also convert a photo to a cartoon(opens in a new tab or window) and bring an extra layer of creativity to your characters.
When it comes to creating comic strips, grids are a fundamental tool you need to work with. Thankfully, Canva’s comic strip templates already come arranged in grids and it’s a simple matter of customization and uploading your own sketches. Working with grids will help you arrange and organize your comics so your story will flow better.
Pick from grids of varying number of squares and sizes. You can resize grids easily by dragging their corners. Tip: hold the shift key and drag to keep the same ratio. Then, drag and drop your sketches or images to place them within the grid. You can even fill a grid with up with just a color so you can add some establishing narrative before you get to the action.
Canva’s comic strips template allows you to customize your design with ease. Whether you want to create something funny, sentimental or just plain weird, you’ll have access to everything you need to hit all the right notes. One of the easiest ways to convey mood is through your comics’ dialogue.
With more than a hundred beautiful and free fonts to use, you’ll be able to convey a whole range of emotions. Ensure your readers know who’s talking by using a speech bubble. Simply search the elements library for “speech bubble” then pick any of the numerous collection of quirky, colorful bubbles.
Once a comic book script is complete, multiple artists illustrate the comic by adding penciling, inking, coloring and lettering. Much of this work can be done digitally. After an editor approves the work, the comic is then sent off to a printer.
First, determine your comic book cover dimensions. Design your title and match the title with the cover art, be sure the tone and quality of the comic matches the cover and use contrast to highlight the cover content. Choose an appropriate finish and weight for the paper.
One essential part of a good comic strip is a strong narrative, or story arc. Create characters with hopes and dreams, who face challenges but overcome them in the end. Make the visuals as high quality as possible. Use speech bubbles and make the frames as action-packed as possible.